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12/20/2014 10:28:55 PM

~<The Evanescence of light are recruiting~< Xbox one only

The Evanescence of light are seeking strong guardians to join and fight the chaos! I'll be doing the new raid every reset and I'm willing to help others get through it. I'm a lvl 31 close to 32 but I'm in no way bragging due to RNG blessing me. This game should be enjoyed as a game, let's all enjoy kicking some hive ass! Along with Vex! My personal favorite. If you are interested in joining do not fear! Though I prefer warlocks over other classes, doesn't mean I will disregard the other two classes. In fact it's pretty nice to see a hunter and Warlock get along. Both are strong and have their suits. Now fellow warriors of light feel free to join, and help build this clan. ~Things to know about The Evanescence of light~ 1. This is an open clan for anyone who enjoys PvE and or PVP the more clan mates we have the better chances to find members to take down Crota and atheon! 2. There is no racism in this group/clan all races are welcome. No discriminations against hunters or Titans or warlocks. 3. Enjoy playing and helping others through the game. Respect one another and enjoy the game. 4. And by any means this clan does not condone cheesing of any kind. Be it the bridge or freezing Crota's kneel. I will ban those who are too lazy to play the game. 5. No harassment or bullying will be tolerated. No one likes a bully. 6. No being cocky or stuck up, everyone is good in their own way. No one person is better, here K/D doesn't matter. 7. Please be open to helping new comers in the raid or strikes. Now if you like to join. Follow these instructions ~How to join~ 1. Follow this link and join group I'll accept all who join. 2. After I accept then set it as your Xbox clan and wait for me to approve I may just make it so I don't need to approve. 3. Add people who are under the group listing that have joined and make friends. Who knows they may just be the group to play with every reset. Feel free to add me as well. My GT is HermitSo6P1991 I'm on Xbox one and am open to strikes and raids. Plus PVP and bounties. I thank you for your consideration.



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