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12/29/2014 4:13:37 AM

When there is a guy who thinks he is your superior

So me and my buddy's were getting people for crotas end after the weekly reset. We were posting on the forums for a group we were going to take through the raid. We were low on time so we figured we would "cheese" it. As we wait in the begging of the dark pit at the first chest, we begin to get people in. Then we get a lvl 31 titan who had the new raid helmet. My friend who is the same lvl and a titan was excited to see it. After inspecting the guy he was disappointed in the way it looked. I kinda had to agree with him, it was less than what I had expected. After exchanging some jokes and puns on the way the helmet looked, the guy had said: "Wow, you guys are complaining about a videogame, how sad." He proceeded to mention about so ridiculous Shiz talking to us like we are north Korea. He had to be one of cockheads who disliked that we were cheesing a raid. "Your cheesing the raid, probs never beat it legitimately." I think I speak on behalf of most of the guardians when I say most of us don't have time to find a group of scrubs that claim they know how to go through the raid that is much less than we were promised. After being fed up with his shit, we kicked him. So to all of thee who think they're "good" and better than everyone at a game that doesn't require skill. Go take your ego and shove it up your ass.



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