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12/31/2014 2:38:35 AM

Advanced Warfare PS3 Players: Want to play a game?

As most of us COD players know, the fans have developed many game modes that the developers haven't implemented into the game. One of the most well known fan made game is [b]Michael Myers[/b]. One player runs around as Michael while the rest try to survive. Once Michael has killed everyone but one player, the lone survivor is allowed to try and kill Michael with his arsenal (usually guns aren't allowed). This mini-game of sort has been in most CODs but I've yet to see it in the newest installment. About 5 minutes ago I finished making a "Beta Version" of the game. I say "Beta Version" because it isn't finished. I think it's a good spin on the regular mini game. I also think I'm the first to make the game mode in AW, since I've yet to see anyone do it. Would you like to play it? Send me a message over PSN! PS3: Killedinsequence



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