If you don't use Ruin Wings for 100% PvE use, you're not a good Titan.
If you don't wear Armamentarium, have 100% Discipline, and spam Flashbangs in PvP, namely Control, you're not a good Titan.
If you play Defender in PvP for any reason, even if it's to cap an objective with the whopping 2-3 bubbles a match you get, you're not a good Titan.
If you miss your Shoulder Charge by 3 inches, you run out of Shoulder Charge and just punch, or miss altogether, you're not a good Titan.
If you wear No Backup Plans and have been running around as Striker, you're not a good Titan.
If you use Weapons of Light without Illuminated on, you're not a good Titan.
If you use Armor of Light (unless you haven't leveled up the subclass) for any reason at all, you're not a good Titan.
If you don't know about the Defender's No Backup Plans/Unbreakable/Relentless/Blessing of Light combo, you're not a good Titan.
If you use the Suppressor Grenade, you're not a good Titan.
If you have your Speed maxed instead of your Toughness, you're not a good Titan.
If you use Aftermath without Aftershocks in PvP, you're not a good Titan.
Remember, you can be a good [b]player[/b], but not a good [b]Titan[/b].
Please list more, but keep it Titan, Warlock, or Hunter specific, including gear, abilities, or modifiers.
[spoiler]EDIT: Sure seems to be a lot of butthurt over a not serious topic.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]EDIT2: This isn't, well... Ok, wasn't supposed to be a thread to piss people off, but apparently people are getting pretty mad.
I made it more for like a tips'n'tricks/how-to-Titan thing.
Instead of formulating opinions and making similar joke lines to mine, people would rather get mad.[/spoiler]
[b]EDIT3:[/b] You guys sure do love derailing threads.
[b]FINAL EDIT-4:[/b] This thread doesn't deserve to be trending like it is. Everyone got mad, derailed my thread, and made me cry. I hope the Darkness consumes you all.
I lied. Off work and home, now. Gonna get on Destiny now and be the best Titan I can be, which, summing up the mass amount of hatred-fueled responses I received, is about as good as your best Hunter... [b]OP out.[/b]
由ragincajunnugz編輯: 1/3/2015 9:54:24 PM
Ya'know, i'mma join OP. You're not a good Hunter if you use Fusion Rifle in Crucible. You're not a good Hunter if you can't get a 200.00+ KD in Crucible with No Land Beyond. You're not a good Hunter if you use Knucklehead Radar. Period. You're not a good Hunter if you use Crest of Alpha Lupi in Crucible. You're not a good Hunter if you use Crest of Alpha Lupi in Vault of Glass Hard. You're not a good Hunter if you use Bladedancer and not use all the invisibility perks in Nightfall Strike. You're not a good Hunter if you use Achylophage Symbiote with Bladedancer. You're not a good Hunter if you use the Quick Draw perk. You're not a good Hunter if you think Blink sucks. You're not a good Hunter if you kill a Sunsinger with Arcblade, they resurrect, and then kill you. You're not a good Hunter if you use Vex Mythoclast. You're not a good Hunter if you kill someone with a Sniper Rifle, and you stay there to camp. You're not a good Hunter if you think Razor's Edge sucks. You're not a good Hunter if you use Skip Grenades. That is all Guardians.
由Holy Elixir編輯: 1/4/2015 2:24:16 AMLol im a bad titan? Tell me that when my suppressor grenade stops a hunter in arcblade
Speaking of spamming flashbangs, who here has blinded themselves with their own flashbang? I have thrown my flashbang at some guys foot. He literally dribbled it back to me. We both killed each other while blind with our shotguns.
You're not a good Titan if you don't have a non-leveled subclasss, then bring that subclass to Crucible. IT'S -blam!-ING FUN AS SHIT. You can't use grenades, lift, special melee or super. lol I did it with my Defender. 10/10 would recommend!
If you run Starfire Protocol and use the extra grenade perk, you aren't a good Warlock.
由Apex of War編輯: 1/3/2015 9:59:15 AMIf you don't swap to Armamentarium briefly after all the heavy ammo drops Ruin Wings gets you, you're not a good Titan. If you use Weapons of Light, yet spend half the time waiting in the bubble for health regen, you're not a good Titan. If you use Blessing of Light and you don't bubble dance, you're not a good Titan. (You are a good Titan using Blessing of Light soloing challenging content) If you don't use Gift of the Void in a raid, you're not a good Titan.
I don't use Ruin Wings. Get at me. I use Armor of Light and Max Toughness. Get at me. I WEAR THE STAND ASIDES. GET AT ME. I play how and when, and where and with what I want. Get at me. This is not a tips and tricks, this is how YOU play, and you want people to play how YOU want them to. No. Get out. If you have to fall back to things like this, you're not a good Titan. We use whatever we can and make it work, if you can't do that. Stop being a Titan.
由ReignofSpartain編輯: 1/3/2015 2:11:04 AMI use bubble offensively in Pvp. I can shotgun in it, I can pop in and out with fusions, I can pretend to dance with enemy only to pop out and stick them (works every time). Wings and saint 14 master exotics. I use illuminated no matter what when I use blessing/ weapons. Yes I do equip armor in Pvp only. It helps me get melee bounty. Suppressors ground wizards and can't shoot you
Lol you're a failure here. Armor of Light is awesome in the Crucible while capping points. Just dance in the bubble to taunt the enemy into doing something stupid like running in, going blind, and being punched to death.
IMO Helm Saint 14 is the best exotic armor piece in the game. Turns a protective shield into a weapon.
Judging by your lay out in guns and armor on your titan, you aren't a good titan. You may be a good player, but you aren't a good titan.
Don't care. Warlock Master Race anyone? Praise the Sun and Praise the Void, Hallelujah.