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1/3/2015 12:53:20 AM

Life is way too complicated

I want to be in the game industry. It just sounds cool. I played games like 007 GoldenEye on the N64, Halo CE, I grew up with Halo 2 and Halo 3 and games have just been part of my life. But... I just can't. There's no way. I start looking at colleges for curriculums in the game industry and I'm discouraged by every little thing. I don't think I'll have enough money, I don't know if I'll be happy with the curriculum or change my mind once I've started, I don't know if I'll be guaranteed a job or have just wasted a dozen years of my life. I don't even know how I'll be able to get to the future job interview. With what money and what car? Do I have to sell my soul? Have I been doing everything wrong my whole life? Should I have joined the military? Sold my soul to Walmart? Is that the right way to go? There's too much thinking. But then if I joined Walmart or if I lived my life any other way, I wouldn't be interested in video games. Something must be up.



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  • Maybe just take a free online programing class, go to collage for a back up job you would like, and work a simple job until you graduate, then if you learned enough coding and stuff for video games make an original indie game (maybe a mobile app) get married, have your wife also work a little, get your second choice job, or main choice job if you can. Then live life with your friends and family as much as you can.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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