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1/4/2015 10:28:40 AM

I have a troubling problem with people questioning my integrity and my lack of decency.

This afternoon, and I will not go into detail, I was content with my indifference and mental fortitude. This afternoon during the play-offs game between Cardinals and Panthers I was challenged by someone who literally called me out "on the carpet" and publicly stated, in front of friends and my wife, my "negative" characteristics. This person chastised my character and called into question my honesty, integrity, and decency. In summation the so called "mask" I wore was tore off by this despicable little revolting character. And disturbingly I reacted modestly and meekly. I couldn't lose face and slander him because to do so would substantiate his claim about my character, of which I believe was his ploy. Though I didn't play his game and reacted like a decent human being ( instead of a raging personality disordered person ) the fact is he planted that seed of thought into very important people I depended on. Now they will question my motivations. So, it would seem to me I am at a rather large disadvantage and there is very little I can do other than through good deeds make them believe this critique of me by this person was unjust and spiteful. Deep down what angers me is he was right about me and I do not know how I ever gave him the impression I may have a personality disorder. Specifically he referred to me as a "severe narcissist." Now I am seething at his impropriety to belittle me in front of important people in my life. This is a sure sign of Declaration of War. What should I do? Thank you for your input. [spoiler]And if you choose to insult or castigate me for this post please do so creatively.[/spoiler]



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