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由Millenium_Milk編輯: 1/5/2015 5:39:31 AM

Americans needed for PS4 clan

To keep our lonely American member in company, I'm putting out an add for more yanks to join up with my clan, Alliterate Soldiers. It's currently mostly made up of British peeps, with about 4 American members (only one is on all the time). I usually play late so you'll see me online no doubt as well! You don't have to be any good, or even know how to spiel proper! It's a clan all about the banter. It's PS4 only and ya'll need a mic. I ask that mature people only apply. To do so, please either search on forum for "[b]Alliterate Soldiers[/b]" or click on Through to my profile, and click on my clan tag. Edit - PSN is ZeusAres for my American friend. Go easy on him, he's still finding his feet!



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