The Smoke Break is now open for psn and xbox !!! make sure to check us out!
[u][b]The Smoke Break -[/b][/u]
[b]Get high, get drunk, get messed up and still get shit done![/b]
Welcome to the clan! We are very laid back and like to get stuff done while having a good time. We are here to help each other, have fun and wreck some shit. The ultimate goal is for the clan the get big enough to support itself with raids at any time, crucible parties and any time you are like "Oh, I wish I could get help with this mission/bounty" there will be someone to help you out with it!
So here are the simple guidelines for the clan:
1) Be ACTIVE (on clan site as well as on destiny.) I ask please play at least once or twice a week and join weekend raids.
2) Get motivated (under the influence of some sort)....
3) Be respectful and friendly to one another
4) Always be willing to help a friend in need
5) Communication is the key between raids and crucible matches
6) Raid hard, play hard and have fun
7) Try to stay active with your fellow clan mates.
[b]Let the community grow guardians![/b]