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2/1/2014 4:26:31 AM

Return of the Katana

Dude has a katana on his back. We've heard talks about [url=]"ancient swords"[/url], and if you've read the Gameinformer article it talks about another titan standing his ground with a blade. But how will this factor into gameplay? I mean the energy sword was pretty awesome and all...the jedi leaps in Halo 2 were the best lol But honestly a sword battle looked kind of stupid when you watched it in theater mode. Now I know we're not going to be able to go full Ninja Gaiden on the Cabal (please prove me wrong lol) but I also don't want the combat to be like the melee in Skyrim. Will swords be uber [url=]OP and insta kill?[/url] Or will some of them be kinda shit? Will we get back the jedi lunge? What do you guys think? Should Bungie do something new to spice up the melee weapons, or should they stick to the way they handled them in Halo?
#Destiny #katana



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