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2/5/2015 11:31:32 PM

Bungie's solution: Nerf Everything

This update consited of... - Deej linking us to a topic talking about how everything will get nerfed (I am not hating on Deej I understand he is just the messenger btw) - A useless video that I may have actually enjoyed if I hadn't gone into watching it being in a bad mood already since there was no real update this week. - More statistics that people already knew/don't care about (pretty much the stats told us how pulse rifles suck and auto rifles don't). - Deej telling us that the HoW will come either in April, May or June (In other words, it will come in late may/june). And will most likely be the same as TDB with a lack of story, content and a super cheesable/boring raid. - Oh and also no mention of buffing the shitochasm/fixing any other bug that exists within Destiny TLDR; useless update again



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