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由Mash編輯: 1/16/2013 8:01:23 AM

Something weird I just found on facebook. (It involves hot asian chicks. get in here)

I clicked on a friend suggestion on facebook because it was a really hot asian chick in a bikini. First I'm like, "Wow, she's pretty hot. Too bad she only has one viewable picture. She must get a lot of friend requests from guys trying to look at all her photos." So I looked at how many friends she has, expecting to see a stupidly large number, but all she had was 8 friends. I thought it was unusual for a hot chick with a revealing profile photo like this to have so few friends so I took a look to see who could be so important for this chick. Well, 2 of those friends were other asian chicks in bikinis with the exact same name. I browsed all three of them, they all live in Vancouver. All of them only have one viewable photo. One only has 4 friends. (2 being the other two asian chicks, and 2 others being some randoms that are also friends with the other 2 asian chicks) For some reason other details like where they are from or where they studied at are different. So I thought that she must be some sort of popular model or something and either some creeps like to collect photos of her or she for some reason requires 3 different accounts. So I chose to google her name to see if I'd find some hotness. But nope, the results in both the images and web links are all of some blonde body building model lady that was... not in my taste. Upon closer inspection of the photos I can tell that each girl in each photo is a different girl. I used the google feature where I can google the image itself. I found that all 3 pictures were clearly ripped off of the internet. The only notable result was of Miss Korea. I think I've found either someones secret creepy thing, a cheesy inside joke or a small cult. Here are the accounts since they obviously don't actually belong to anyone and I know I'll get requests for links if they involve asian chicks in bikinis. [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] This will be a public Sapphire thread since I know most of Sapphire wont actually find this interesting.



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