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Apocalyptic Carnage

「When all is said and done, we'll go down swinging.」

  • 任務聲明

    Welcome! This is an easygoing, Xbox 360 and One clan, for players that hope to progress in their travels and experience as guardians. This clan isn't for judging others, but for enjoying your voyage with teammates by your side, no matter how skilled you are. Be yourself, quirks and all. We complete any raid, mission, anything involving bloodshed and good times. Requirements: You must either enjoy Destiny, be a serial killer, or be the most recent incarnation of the Groundhog Mafia. A mic and expansions are optional. 15+ preferred. Feel free to message PsychoSpurious if you have any questions or concerns!

  • 成員總數

    51 成員
    9 群組成立年數
  • 管理員

  • 已標籤

原先發佈於:Apocalyptic Carnage
10/1/2015 3:31:41 AM

Kings fall

Looking to complete kings fall, I have done it up to golgoroth but never killed him....... Yet but can never find a fireteam cause they all want experienced players to do it, so if anyone can help me run a full raid then awesome, I have the black spindle but not maxed yet and I'm 295 light hunter with maxed night stalker, my GT is xxRazorblade7xx and I'm on 360



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