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The Finer Things Club

「We kind of suck.」

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    We discuss books and art and celebrate culture in a very civilized way.

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原先發佈於:The Finer Things Club
由fenderhrd84編輯: 1/13/2015 3:43:30 AM

Crota Glitches Fixed & Iron Banner Returns!

Hey everyone what's up? Refer to the link to follow up on each item in greater detail. Basically the Crota Raid glitches were repaired--not gonna focus on that since as a clan we didn't take advantage lol. And secondly but more importantly, the Iron Banner returns.........this time with level 32 gauntlets! I'm assuming level 32 gauntlets means this armor piece will have 36-light capacity; it damn-well better! This means that you're now 2 steps closer to reaching level 32, provided you have an exotic piece that isn't a pair of gauntlets and you happen to earn these bad boys from the Banner. It appears these gauntlets are available to purchase at Rep 4, which isn't as daunting as it sounds if you use the voucher system and currently have some Banner class armor, emblems and shaders to equip. All of these wears boost your Banner rep. The disappointing news is that this article, along with the others out there, doesn't address new class armor, shaders or lame!!!! Guess we'll have to rock the old stuff to continue to strike fear in the hearts of our crucible enemies.....**sigh**. Why be surprised or disappointed by this point? Right? So who is gonna wreak havoc in the Iron Banner this week???!!!! Let's earn those raid-equivalent gauntlets yo!!!!!! Yeah let's not discuss those new pvp maps that will now be included in the Banner....... For the clan!!!!!!!!!!!



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