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Destiny Disappointment

「Destiny is Disappointing」

原先發佈於:Destiny Disappointment
5/19/2015 9:23:36 PM

10 Reasons Why Destiny Sucks (GAP episode 7)

Published on Feb 21, 2015 Also watch our latest vid "7 REAL Reasons Why The Order 1886 is so Bad it Sucks" ► Before you start jamming the dislike button: we used to love destiny! But these 10 mistakes just turned our balls engram-blue. Hope you enjoy! Do you agree or disagree? That's awesome! We hope to see you in the comments. 01:23 Reason 10: All Bosses have a Penis Name. 02:29 Reason 9: Worst Story Ever? 04:35 Reason 8: Lacking Content, Pushing DLC. 05:24 Reason 7: Blue Ball Madness 06:32 Reason 6: Big Tower of Awkwardness 07:47 Reason 5: 'MMO'... Really? 08:16 Reason 4: Forced Game Modes 09:30 Reason 3: Boring Bullet Sponges 10:28 Reason 2: Unskippable Cutscenes... Over and Over Again. 11:12 Reason 1: Wait for it...



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