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10/27/2014 12:01:08 AM
Honestly I fear that Destiny is destined to fail. Personally I expected more of a story, what did we get? Honestly, nothing! Not even roam space, omg something so simple as roam space, how could they mess that up? Any game, or at least most games have a fair amount of roam space, areas to explore and interactive Ai characters to get information from. I honestly have no clue where they spent the $500 mil, do you? I have been reading article after article at how poorly Destiny is now being reviewed since release, go on you tube and see how many gamer's are furious. Do they honestly think we are going to spend an additional $35.00 or $60.00 on what??? I've spent less on way better games. I mean didn't they do their research, didn't they have a clue as to what we wanted? I am in utter shock at what they sold us, when you look at the price tag of the Destiny project. I wrote Bungie and told them how disappointed I am, not that it will do much good, but I felt compelled to. there are only 2 qualities I can say Destiny has, graphics are great and smooth and tight movements, but that's it. Same patrol missions over and over and over again, ok same mission but on HELL mode, ok then and what does that get you? On top of the lack of story, lack of community activities, lack of in game characters, lack of social interactions with other gamers and really nothing to do other than crucible, unless you want to do the same missions and patrols over and over and over again!!! Grinding for gear that you get randomly anyhow or gear only used in crucible,. I mean where's the other planets, why is there only a few place son the planets we have now that we can explore, what about earth?? What happened to the stranger, who is she, what about the queen, I mean really what the heck is this slop job story!!!! I was so hyped for this game and now I am so disappointed, I want it to be a great game but that is truly doubtful at this point because that would mean someone messed up and would have to own up to that mistake. A 4, 5 year project and $500. mil and this is what they give us !!! Are you kidding me, everyone should be upset and it baffles me with those who are trying to defend Bungie. This isn't an RPG or a MMO - so what it is? I know all of you who have been playing have seen all the locked content out there, why is it locked? We paid good money for this game, why??? If the game wasn't ready then they should have been honest and told us it's not ready, I would have rather have waited and got the game we should have gotten - rather than this. Until they unlock what we should have gotten, I have no intention of paying another penny and sadly I am afraid I will be taking my copy to Gamestop and trading it in. That is what these forums are also for, to let Bungie know how we feel, otherwise they will have no intention of making it better and will continue to milk us for as much money as possible. It is shameful they released Destiny as it is now. Oh and they promise dus we could be unique, kept hearing that over and over again - yeah right. The customization is a freaking joke, why the sparrows and ships, why have so many varieties? Also the lack of in game explanation is pathetic and all the error codes, waiting to connect to Destiny servers and then blaming the game consoles network and each time they did I triple checked my network and it was fine. Also how about in the middle of doing a strike or a patrol and you are booted out with an error code telling you to go to, that on top of all the other issues. Sadly Bungie hasn't even admitted to any of this or has made a statement about how upset people are with the lack of content and story. I mean come on really, all the games out there we have all played, and Bungie thought "oh heck they won't notice". Really? I've played better games with more story content for a fraction of the cost. I log on from time to time to see if they have opened something, but you know what I wouldn't even know that because they don't even bother to tell you or explain in game. What's the point in having a message box in game if Bungie won't even use it to send us a note about upcoming events or maybe even unlocking areas they have locked down. I'm sad to say this because I had so much hope for this game, but unless they unlock areas at no charge to what we the gamers have already paid then I can only see failure for Destiny and I know I am not alone in my feelings. Any of you, head over to gamestop or where ever you buy your games and I bet you can pick up a $10 or $ 20 dollar game that is better than this, it may not have super graphics but you can actually play the freaking game. What they sold us is not justified, sorry and if you think so then good on you. Again, the point to these forums is to resolve issues and well, this is a serious issue. I understand that many of you have already paid for the expansion pack I truly feel for you and I hope for your sake it is worth it in your eyes, but as for me - it isn't enough and they should have known better. They should have known the end results of this, but they were probably hoping enough kids would get into it, not sure what they did with the rest of the $450. mil cause form what I see, there's no way it cost $500. mil to make this game!!!

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  • At over 75 hours of play, I think you got your money's worth. And to rant to that regard about a video game takes a lot of thought about said game. There's a lot of other shooters. Go play them. It's a game.

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  • Actually it didn't take any time to write what I did on this forum, Destiny leaves itself wide open for errors. So then if you play the game for 75 hours you got your money's worth? So Bungie has no intention for repeat business then? I wasn't going to and to be honest I generally don't go on forums to share my opinion on games, but in this case considering they are saying this is going to last at least 10 years - felt that I should. Also if you play a game and a friend asks you how that game was, do you lie or give them your honest opinion? I want this to be a great game, it has the potential to be a great game, but unfortunately they felt that story telling is not that important and to me that is an insult to all of us. However you are absolutely correct, there are plenty of other games out there to play. Sadly Destiny will not be one of the games spoken of highly, other than the graphics and fluid movement - it has nothing else to offer. Also as I recall it wasn't really advertised as just a first person shooter game and if that's what they had in mind to start they could have saved themselves a ton of cash in development and still made out well in profits. The idea that they are trying to sell expansion packs on a game that can't defines itself as a RPG or a MMO game, but rather comes off as a shooter game as you said - is well...ludicrous. My point is this, if they were having trouble with the story and as we all know the lead writer up and quit - then they should have released a statement explaining to us that they have to revamp the whole story. We al would have understood and would have been more than willing to wait for a full story, or a more detailed story at the very least. Also it isn't an open world, well not as many of us had expected - so why advertise it as such? If as you said, their mentality is you played the game for 75 hours then you got your money's worth - then to me that is a poor business attitude.

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