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Dads of Destiny

「A Community For Gaming Dads.」

  • グループ情報

    WELCOME FRIENDS Dads Of Destiny is a gaming community started by a single idea sent into the atmosphere by a great group of like-minded individuals. [b]Family[/b] - Is always first and foremost in every aspect of this community. [b]Work[/b] - Do I have too? Yes we all do and someone will be there for you no matter when you're off work. [b]Gaming[/b] - Limited time to game? Some do some don't. You'll always find a place to fit in here at Dads Of Destiny Gaming Community. We're not about pressure or competition or kd/r's but more specifically about how you want to enjoy your precious game time with the people you want to enjoy it with. There is a real sense of family within the community that plays a big role in the actions of the community.

  • メンバーシップ

    53720 メンバー
    10 年(グループ設立から)
  • 管理者

  • タグ済み




マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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