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впервые опубликовано в:Owners of the Exotic
Изменено (burritosenior): 7/16/2014 6:22:15 PM

OTK's Xbox Clan

To clarify the purpose of this group, this is intended to be the clan for OTK's Xbox 360 and Xbox One users. To those interested, feel free to join up (you'll need to be a member of OTK). We'll have ones for other platforms shortly. Right now we're in a fad where everybody wants to make their own clan because it is new. Once that dies down people will understand that they won't be able to get those clan achievements that way, so they'll go to groups such as this one where there is already a huge memberbase they can rely on. [url=]Link to OTK[/url].
#Clans #otk

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