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Armoured Tigers XBox

"We are Guardians. We do not flee, we stand, we fight, we win!"

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  • Основные цели

    Principles are based upon team work, working together to defend each other, Attack and destroy all before you, as a team. Play with honour, leave no one behind, we don't "depart" until the job is done. Open to all time zones on X360. Presently our membership encompasses UK/EU/USA with an age-range from parents to teenagers. Our scope of ages and abilities enhance our group it does not weaken it! A group of Players (Guardians) who all share our enjoyment of Destiny in a relaxed and friendly environment, assisting each other regardless of age, level or ability. We are Guardians of the Light pushing back the darkness. We play a game we enjoy, let's share that enjoyment with our friends. [b]Site Rules[/b] Play with respect, don't rage. Ask, do not demand or dictate Treat other players the way you want to be treated 2 week "friendliness" trial or 2 Raids and 2 strikes, whichever is completed 1st!

  • Участие

    163 Участники
    Общее количество пользователей, вступивших в эту группу
    9 Стаж группы
    Срок активности этой группы (в годах)
  • Администраторы

  • Отмечено


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